This is from Edgar Bustamante and he works with, a free web resource that provides information and support regarding addiction.
Studies have indicated that the consequences of traumatic events are not only limited to the one who is suffering but also loved ones and others around them. This can lead to health issues and disorders such as depression, fatigue, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness
. We have veteran specific information, as well as several mental health pages created to provide much-needed information and support to these sufferers:
Mike Miller is with He and his crew are a group of veterans and family members who are trying to help those who’ve served.
The hardest part of military life is the transition away from it.
Depression, addiction, joblessness and the worst problems that affect the community can all be combatted through adequate help and resources as a service member begins to transition to civilian life.
Here are some links to some resources.
US Department of Veteran Affairs Crisis H
Planning For Life After Discharge
Best Jobs For Returning Service Members
Melissa Marsiglia works in the outreach department at Mesothelioma Guide. We are an advocacy organization dedicated to helping inform the public about mesothelioma and assisting patients diagnosed with asbestos illnesses.
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos particles and affects the lining of the lungs, heart, and abdomen. 1/3 of all mesothelioma patients are veterans, and approximately 6,000 veterans afflicted with this asbestos-caused cancer died between 1999 and 2005 alone. The reason this cancer targets so many veterans is because of the prevalence of asbestos use in the military in the past. We specialize in connecting patients with doctors and treatment options that are best suited for them. Our information services and resources are 100% free to patients and family members.
From Sara
Jones - Patient Help Advocate
1330 Boylston
Street, Suite 400
Chestnut Hill, MA
(800) 584-4151
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Joseph Cline
I’m reaching out to you in an effort to bring awareness about mesothelioma, a cancer that deeply affects families throughout the country. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos can be found in many places such as houses, fire stations, Naval Shipyards and other older structures. Asbestos is such a dangerous material because it only takes limited exposure to the fibers for them to become deadly. Over time, this cancer spreads throughout the body, affecting all the vital organs.